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Pen A432hz
Feb 16, 2022
In Lyrics
What was it like to come back from the mortal scourge ? On 20 years of 9/11, I try and write a verse Paralysed inside and out, beholding worlds absurd Thru eyes of healing or locus of self-healing; A universe of sentience metamorphosed my condition With silence as my nurse, the antidote summoned forth Oo oO, oO Oo Oo oO oO oO Oo Dia Gnosis: the way of knowledge ~ By probe, by test, by gut, by God By head, by heart; by æther, root, moon, or sun Oo oO oO Oo The rubicon of earth and spirit Traversed at dusk, by hidden secret The die was cast: we ceased living But in the cult of death, merely existed The rubicon of earth and spirit Traversed at dawn, pure men and women Goodness returns, nature restores Truth, love, and honour: the new religion Oo oO, oO Oo Oo oO oO oO Oo 11 Sept 2020, Peneleapaí The mainstream narrative of what is fact and what is false beg mortals to seek truth beneath the veneer of glossy media.
DiaGnosis content media
Pen A432hz
Feb 15, 2022
In Lyrics
When once the veil fell from my knowing And all my life, i saw your being Only wanting to care for me, Only seeking to embrace me; And at the end of our friendship, How well i see The wall between I and thou Reinforced and upheld .. by me Wherefore this bitter pill reveal'd To behold and swallow and lived out by my will: Reasons which °principle° kept, disintegrate (as death's secret). In seeking love, i held you back from touching me; But how i failed, for now i see: The simple truth, the impulse which follow'd loving me Yes i can still see the grit between "we" In character on earth (which we complied with, before our birth) But death's medicine cures, sharp focus restores; forgiveness can flow, despite the role we chose. I see the wrong, i see the theme and enduring song; Composed by us in mysterious imploring unending deathless love. ... I understand now my love for thee, is finally free (and thine for me) And its shadow on earth may still haunt or echo on Yet love returns home, strip'd and reborn 2017 Peneleapaí the first time someone significant in life has crossed the threshold of death, an unmistakable truth as to the nature of our relationship is painfully revealed. The Park and the Angel of Death painting / Gustave Moreau
Love Returns Home content media
Pen A432hz
Feb 15, 2022
In Lyrics
I trace circles round in the sky & sand. My past holds hands with the future again; I know the refrain is all of our song. But i sit still knowing silence heals so strong Pour slow and fast along the road. Unfurl the moon, the stars, and sun Spark the fire, and burn our fears Blow high and out Dance clean and free, clean and free Letting go Year by year it goes/grows Hoarding an ancient fear Frozen the wise seer Fear grows old on the throne that's overgrown; We must disown and overthrow Seasons of fear have over-wintered; Now here is spring, Her wheels turning; The Loom appears and love is real. Peneleapaí 2013-2021 a song conceived out of my involvement with the sacred gift economy movement Telar de los Sueños / Looms, Mandala of abundance. Sincerely recommend to anyone serious about transforming their relationship with wealth & abundance.* * DM if interested in joining the economic revolution.. or just meet others in the movement pic: (audio) Tejiendo Mi Vida by Telar de los Sueños linaje Caribe
Traces content media
Pen A432hz
Feb 15, 2022
In Lyrics
I looked up in January as customary(-ly) I looked out in March to combat novel allergies Tho cities halt and countries crawl I won't fear anyone As long as we are side by side We've got this crisis won What are the odds That we'd meet up now ? We, whom knew love true Revolving world You - gone too soon - from my side at this time But next thing I knew Our love to heck you threw My head was swimming In a crazy confusing stew. No reason found its depth as this new world abandons ship; With deep deep sorrow I let go of us as you so dearly wished What are the odds That we'd meet up now ? We, whom knew love true Revolving world You - gone too soon - from my side at this time And all around the world implodes I never thought I'd live to know The bliss beyond the deepest grief As the world we knew crumbles My soul yet lives What are the odds That we'd meet up now? We, whom knew love true ? Revolving world You gone too soon from my side at this time I never saw such sudden change As minds and hearts grew out apace When we are forced out of beliefs engaged, Another world reveals our invisible gilded cage. Peneleapaí 6-7 December 2020 When beliefs and institutions held beyond lifetimes are illuminated to be not as they appear, existence can yet hold timely importance. Hear one of the first original uploaded drafts of this, on TG channel:
Odd G(u)ild content media
Pen A432hz
Feb 15, 2022
In Lyrics
On the Earth where we walk, many watch but don't see the beauty of life - healing ceaselessly Every story of death and of love can transform us Tho still tightly we cling onto fear blindly I feel unique, special, different; Yet I have returned and was here previously There's no need to go back to an older age Opportunities abound as to how we'll live now And I think you came at just the right time Dispense with pretense, dive deep and you'll find, you'll find, you'll find ... On the earth where we walk, Many watch but can't see The body of love - Breathing ceaselessly Every story of death and of life Can transform us Tho still deeply we sleep, dreaming endlessly I feel unique, special, different Yet i'm just returned; I was here previously There's no need to pretend Or hide away Opportunities abound as to how we'll heal now I'm so glad you came - designed by the divine Dive deep, and you'll find the well of time, of time, of time Solo I feel unique, special, different But I'm just returned We were here previously There's no need to pretend .. or hide away Opportunities abound as to how we'll love now I'm so glad you came - divined by the design Dive deeper and we will find The well of time, of time, of Time Peneleapaí Tuesday 24.8.2021 3 - 6a.m. Material world with its constraints of time and linear consciousness nevertheless reveals layers of personal evolution toward a more integrated multidimensional sentience.
The Well of Time content media
Pen A432hz
Feb 15, 2022
In Lyrics
Where do we go now? I don't know how to get out Shout down louder: Weep your laughter In the garden of verse, True home I need to immerse. Sound & silence, music science Crafty formation; implication by degree Occulted generation; Enslavement at your ease. How did we get here? Does life always bring fear? From the moment we conceive, The matrix lays siege; Evil seeks to deceive. Sound & silence, spirit licence Crafty formation; Consequence by degrees Occulted generation; Enslavement as you please solo How did we get here? Does life always bring fear ? From the moment we're conceived The matrix lays siege; evil seeks to deceive. sound and silence, spirit license Crafty formation; implication by degree Occulted generation; enslavement at your ease Crafty formation; consequences by degrees Occulted generation; enslavement as you please, as you please, as you . . . please ! Occulted by Peneleapaí 20.8.2021
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Pen A432hz

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